Intravascular ultrasound image revealed good stent apposition without visible vessel dissection 血管内超音波影像分析显示支架和管壁贴附良好,没有可见的血管壁剥离。
Objective to identify a subset of patients with high probability of extensive calcification for further intravascular ultrasound ( ivus ) examination 目的探讨从临床角度筛选钙化易患病例以确定血管内超声适应症的可行性。
Background this study investigates whether pioglitazone reduces neointimal hyperplasia after coronary stenting in nondiabetic patients with metabolic syndrome ( ms ) using intravascular ultrasound ( ivus ) 作者通过血管内超声检查研究了新型的胰岛素增敏剂匹格列酮对于非糖尿病的代谢综合征病人冠状动脉支架内膜增生的治疗作用。